Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day One on the Rock, Jeju Island

We just did a whirlwind tour of Thailand. It began with luxury hotels and cycling the gorgeous countryside and ended with a mad dash through oppressively smoggy Bangkok, taking a taxi (stuck in traffic), then Skytrain, then bus (stuck in traffic somewhere else) then tuk-tuk, then running to grab our bags at our hotel and make our flight.

We went from being slimy with sweat all day (I know, you hate me for complaining about heat, right?) to arriving in Korea which is experiencing the coldest weather and biggest snowfall they've ever experienced in their recorded history (so there, we're in the same boat).

Jeju Island is deadsville right now and it makes sense. It's normally a play paradise for Koreans on vacation. This isn't exactly vacation-inducing weather. Isaac has a cold. Boo!

We have to go find him some soondooboo or anything in a bowl that's hot and bubbling. My fingers are so freezing it's hard to type. It is also hard to blog with Isaac leaning over my shoulder the entire time (right, Isey?).

So in other words, I know I haven't written much but there's more to come. I'm not lying, Andrea!


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